Given the way 2020 turned out, it seems a bit surreal that it got off to such a cracking start for Aria Cappella. We gave two huge concerts in February and March before all performing (and rehearsals) ground to a halt.
In February, we performed to a packed audience at the Melba Room at Buckley’s of Dunolly, hosted by the delightful Rachel Buckley. While it is always thrilling to perform to a full house, we ended up with more than we bargained for as enthusiastic hopefuls who had not booked ahead had to listen from outside or pull up a chaise longue in the foyer. Fortunately, they could still comfortably enjoy what reviewer Susan Anderson described as “a feast for the senses” as our voices certainly carry!
With only a quick pause for breath, in March we gave the inaugural concert at a brand new performance venue: Gallery 127 in Avoca. Once again, Rachel was our charismatic MC. In a display of performance stamina, we performed our entire repertoire while the audience enjoyed canapés and local wines. (We might have had a sample or two of these tasty treats ourselves – after the concert, of course). Many thanks to Hugh Forster at the gallery for organising the event and hosting us. We very much look forward to visiting again.
Unfortunately, our run of concerts was cut short as COVID and lockdown descended. While it was, of course, disappointing to cancel our performances for the remainder of the year, including what we had hoped would be the first of many appearances at the Festival of Voices in Tasmania, this time of rest has given us the opportunity to arrange some new material and consolidate our plans going forward. With many exciting projects in the works for 2021, we managed to squeeze in a couple of COVID-safe rehearsals before Christmas. It has been a joy to dust off the rust and sing together again.
Without a doubt, 2020 has been a year of challenges for everyone. Music has provided solace for many, in its many forms. We aim to meet 2021 with out hearts and voices open, and can’t wait to sing for you again.
We wish you peace and happiness in the new year and look forward to seeing you there – with a newly arranged drinking song!
Aria Cappella xx
Aria Cappella with MC and host, Rachel Buckley, in the Melba Room, at the end of a two-act performance to a rapturous audience and a couple of Rachel’s dogs who stopped by to listen!
About to perform at Gallery 127 in Avoca – our last concert before lockdown
Enjoying a variety of artworks and a cheeky drop at Gallery 127 after the concert